Friday, February 26, 2010

look at this fucking love connection!

spotted in nyc at a clothing trade show...

stop it with that headwrap!!!

(um they had matching nose jobs too. normal)

oh my god i love your sweater, where did you get it?

spotted at the same crazy convention, these two nuts!
that's the ugliest f'ing sweater we've ever seen.

another love connection

did these old ladies call eachother this morning? (on their rotary phones, obv)

we aren't in love

we also are no cupid, but if we had a bow and arrow we would DEFINITELY shoot this crazy!

thanks to an anonymous reader, who sent us this crazy valentines day look. thanks girl


practical or practically insane?

you gots to do what you gots to do to stay dry in this NYC blizzard....we suppose!
we still think you look a little crazy though.
just sayin'

smurf spotting

is that grandpa smurf or dreamy smurf???

thanks Ali, who spotted this crazy while riding the train.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

riding on buses with crazies

so famous!
spotted again, by a loyal taco follower, riding the bus in NYC. Where do you think he is headed?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

not our pick for best dressed

spotted pulling her pants from within her butt crack, this crazy dresser thinks she got it right! matching the blue from your disgusting tie dye shirt with the stripe on your sensible capris, does not make it ok! and your socks? well we think they suck! just sayin'

the doctor is in

please don't let this happen to you. if you MUST wear pj bottoms donning a logo for your favorite beverage, here's a bit of advice from us to you: either let it be Patron or Moet, or STAY INDOORS!

just sayin'

pink is definitely her signature color!

she may call her hues blush, and bashful, but from where we're standing, it just looks like a lot of pink!

the best part? shes not the only one on the train wearing pink uggs!!! groooooooosssssss! what a fucking love connection!

drink your juice shelby!

Friday, February 12, 2010

who cares what Punxsutawney Phil thinks!

not this guy! We spotted this crazy outfit offender (who has been spotted numerous other times around NYC by t.a.c.o. readers,) sporting a boldly colored outfit. so what we just had a blizzard, this guy thinks spring is just around the corner, and he is READY!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

in the concrete jungle

check out this furry dude. is he trying to blend in to his surroundings?

is it hat day?

everyone on the train is wearing a damn hat! the man in the pink hat is our personal fave, although, even though its not really visible, the woman all the way to the left is rocking a sensible captains style hat. normal.

matchy matchy

her neon green chucks are no match to the rest of her vibrant look. however, she has plenty of pom poms to pull together a look.